Things To Know Before Going To St. Maarten

In this blog we will talk about things you will want to know before traveling to St. Maarten/ St. Martin. This island is extremally beautiful and has many entertaining activities. Located in The Bahamas, you will need a valid passport to travel to this island. The capitol is Phillipsburg and the crime rate is very low here. Explore this friendly island and enjoy the culture, beaches, food, and excursions. There is something for everyone in St. Maarten/ St. Martin. Make sure you have double checked your list of things to pack in your carry on, so you can be ready for the adventure.

Things to know about the culture

Firstly, the culture. The culture of Saint Martin has a wonderful mixer of British, Dutch, Amerindian, African, French, and Asian heritage. Although St. Maarten/ St. Martin is a single island, it contains two separate nations: Saint-Martin and Sint Maarten. The official languages are Dutch and English. Other known languages are Creole, Spanish, and Papiamento. The people here are sometimes called, St. Maarteners. The main sport played here is soccer. Some other sports played on this island are cricket, horse racing, basketball, tennis, vollyball, and baseball.

Things to know about its national symbols

The national flower, which is very beautiful, is the yellow-orange sage. The animal here is the Brown Pelican also know as, Pelecanus occidentalis. The tree is the Flamboyant tree. The national drink is Guavaberry Liqueur. The national dance is The Ponum Dance.

Things to know about the food

St. Maarten/ St. Martin is known as the, culinary capital of the Caribbean. Known for the recipes and spices. One of the delicious known foods on the island is named Johnny Cakes. Also known for other dishes like, Jacks (fried fish), oxtail stew, beef, or fish patties. Last, but not least, their original dish is Rice and Crab.

The national drink is Guavaberry Liqueurand, which is made from Guavaberries. This is a sugary sweet and slightly acidic fruit.

Things to-do while visiting

Finally, St. Maarten/ St. Martin has many year round events that if you catch them, you will definitely have a memorable time. This island has crystal clear water, shopping centers, and a vibrant nightlife. Here is a list of local water sports and on-land activities to do when traveling to this destination.

  • Boating and Sailing
  • Fishing
  • Parasailing
  • Jet skiing
  • Day cruises
  • Kayaking
  • Horse Back Riding
  • Loterie Farm
  • National Parks
  • Night-Life
  • Casinos


Overall, St. Maarten/ St. Martin is an astonishing place to travel to. With its culture, food, and many things to do when traveling here, it is just breathtaking. Whether traveling as a couple, family, or a solo traveler. Check out affordable islands to visit. Thanks for trusting All Travel Beasts with your travel plans.